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Coronavirus (COVID-19) (17/03/2020)


At Wainwright Stump Removal we understand there are lots of potential changes to our daily life with the current Coronavirus situation.

Please be reassured that we are still delivering all services. As a company we can confirm we have had no instances of Coronavirus, meaning we are still able to deliver all services as planned.

All customers, please advise us if you are self isolating or have any symptoms and we will endeavour to help you in any way. If you have work booked in for the coming weeks we can still proceed with this work, by completing the job whilst you remain inside your home avoiding our staff getting infected and avoiding any delay in your work being completed.

For further information please speak to the team on 07966 490951.


Further information relating to COVID-19

What are Wainwright Stumps Removal doing to minimise the  COVID-19 infection risk?

All employees have been asked to follow the instructions below: –

  1. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water. If soap or water aren’t available and your hands are visibly clean, then sanitiser gel can be used.
  2. Refrain politely from shaking hands with anyone they meet.
  3. Try to keep a distance of 1m or if the situation permits, 2m from people they meet especially if they or the other person are coughing or sneezing.
  4. Carry tissues if they have a cold and ‘catch it and bin it’.
  5. If they start to suffer symptoms that are consistent with Coronavirus, to take their temperature, leave site and advise our HR of their concerns.

What can our partners do to help reduce the infection risk?

  1. Please advise us immediately if you are closing your business due to any cases of  COVID-19.
  2. Previous customers, please advise us if you have closed your business within 14 days of one of our visits and please advise us if it is probable that our staff member has met the infected individual then we will ensure our staff take the government recommended action at the time.


Finally, please note we are monitoring government advice on a daily basis and will continue to update this page and act accordingly should the guidelines change.